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Keeping the Holidays Happy

As we all plan to eat turkey, relax and make New Year’s resolutions, the stress of being of the holidays cannot be forgotten. This stress is normally associated with family during this time of year and is only amplified if you’re all in business together! Don’t feel as though you are the only one, a survey showed that over one-third of business owners consider the holiday season a stressful time for their business. With respect for the holidays and the inevitable end of the fiscal year, here are several important thoughts about how to approach this season:

Family Meetings.Set aside time for just your family – without all the business talk! Protect the holidays for the family and refuse to let the family focus on the business even if everyone has to get together at another time to discuss business matters. By spending time together, the family unit will become stronger and in turn, so will the family business. 

Be Prepared for Conflict.Don’t go looking for problems, but rather, approach any situation with a realistic approach. Have a sense of humor and remind yourself of what you love about your family members. This will help you focus on the good rather than a comment or two that might rub you the wrong way. 

Set Limits.Be realistic about holiday hours. Many businesses extend their hours to increase their profits coming to the end of the year. However, do not overextend yourself or your family members. Also, set limits on the time you spend with your extended family, make sure to take time to be by yourself or with your immediate family members.

If you find yourself in Charleston for the Christmas holiday, please visit Gullah Tours. Click here for more information