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Family Business Health: Tips for Avoiding Toxic Teams

The Business Executive is exercising to relieve stress due toxic board room meetings. Most owners will fail to stop and reassess their family business health. They believe that all of their teams will fight and expect nothing less. What they don’t realize is that they may drive off leaders by ignoring problems. Many adults admit to feeling bullied by coworkers and relatives.

Positively People encourages companies to take our advice to help prevent excess fighting. Below are some of the methods that we use for successful family business groups.


What is the Current Family Business Health Status?

One reason why teams become toxic is because families often overstep their bounds. Despite children being adults, decisions are continually being made for them by parents. Others may dig up old sibling rivalries to give them renewed focus. Unfortunately, these distractions can prevent any progress from being made.

One way we offer family business consulting is by searching for emotional issues. How can your team succeed when petty arguing is still taking place?

What Programs are in Place for Fighting?

Every family governance board has a code of conduct, but not all of them enforce it. They allow names to be called and insults hurled at others while they meet. Such theatrics rarely impress your company’s shareholders, causing uncertainty to spread. Even if everyone is related, everyone has their limit for ignoring bad behavior.

Any policies concerning conflicts should be fully enforced. Otherwise, your boardrooms will start to feel like they’re full of high school drama.

Who are Family Business Advisory Members?

Some roles are ceremonial, while others have considerable power within the organization. That being said, who is currently offering family business advice, and who shouldn’t be in that role?

We have spoken with many firms that allow founders and original members to stay in these roles that don’t belong. Others rely on what non-business relatives say about matters they don’t understand.

It’s best to determine why someone contributes in an area when they shouldn’t be doing so. Preventing those people from overstepping their duties can help create defined boundaries.

Have Patience with Family Business Succession

The most important thing we say during family business continuity planning is to have patience. New changes take time, sometimes even months to see real progress. Impatient leaders begin pointing their fingers too quickly. They may try to blame everything and everyone but themselves for why something doesn’t work.

Everyone needs to have both patience and faith in the vision. Working towards a goal may take time and maybe longer than anticipated, but when it comes to fruition, it feels rewarding for everyone.

Recognize Individuals, Not Teams

One of the most challenging parts of teamwork is when people lose their identity. When people stop feeling autonomous, they may start to resent the group. When members have personal histories with each other, that can also reopen past wounds. Recognizing individuals, complete with their strengths and weaknesses can help to keep the peace.

The goal shouldn’t be to ignore conflict but to handle it with maturity. Facing problems head-on will allow everyone to work out any unresolved tension.

Improve Your Family Business Health Today

Every company eventually needs some help with managing all of its family members. We assist family businesses across many industries with proven techniques. Contact us if you need continuity planning, advice, or conflict resolution. Positively People wants to help you keep your firm competitive.

Learn more about Positively People Services’ in Family Business Consulting.

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